Programs as Values, Part VI: Chaining

I’m now going to introduce the Console algebra, an evolution of Out and In that will accompany us for the next few instalments of this series.

We will start from an imperfect version, here’s how it looks like:

 * carrier:
 *   Console[A]
 *     where A represents the output of a Console program
 * introduction forms:
 *   readLine: Console[String]
 *   print: String => Console[Unit]
 * combinators:
 *   andThen[A]: (Console[A], Console[A]) => Console[A]
 *   transformOutput[A, B]: (Console[A], A => B) => Console[B]
 * elimination forms:
 *   run[A]: Console[A] => IO[A]
 sealed trait Console[A] {
   def andThen(next: Console[A]): Console[A]
   def transformOutput[B](transform: A => B): Console[B]

   def run: IO[A]
 object Console {
   val readLine: Console[String]
   def print(s: String): Console[Unit]

readLine and transformOutput have a familiar shape, but print and andThen need to fit the Console[A] shape, so we use the Unit type to express that printing has no meaningful output:

def print(s: String): Console[Unit]

and parameterise andThen with A everywhere:

// andThen[A]: (Console[A], Console[A]) => Console[A]

sealed trait Console[A] {
   def andThen(next: Console[A]): Console[A]

and we can write Console programs!

val helloWorld: Console[Unit] =
  Console.print("Hello ").andThen(Console.print("World!"))

val lineLength: Console[Int] =
    .transformOutput { line => line.length }

Obviously to actually execute these programs, they have to be converted to IO via run and then embedded into an IOApp, but we will ignore the elimination form for the remainder of the article, and focus on writing programs with Console.

A sample program

We will explore and evolve the Console algebra whilst trying to write the following program:

  • Ask the user to enter their username.
  • Read it from stdin.
  • Create a greeting message like "Hello, $username!".
  • Print the message to stdout.
  • Extra: if the username at point 2 is empty, ask again.

We will do it in pieces, starting from a simple prompt that doesn’t handle empty usernames:

val namePrompt: Console[String] =
    .print("What's your username? ")

type mismatch;
[error]  found   : Console[String]
[error]  required: Console[Unit]
[error]       .andThen(Console.readLine)
[error]                        ^

Uh-oh, it doesn’t compile: andThen wants both arguments to be Console programs with the same type of output, but print(s) and readLine have different output types, respectively Console[Unit] and Console[String].

This limitation doesn’t seem reasonable, so let’s relax the type of andThen to allow the second program to have a different output type, which will also be the output type of the overall expression:

// andThen[A, B]: (Console[A], Console[B]) => Console[B]

sealed trait Console[A] {
  def andThen[B](next: Console[B]): Console[B]

and we can write namePrompt unchanged:

val namePrompt: Console[String] =
    .print("What's your username? ")

Next step is to create the greeting message, which sounds like a job for transformOutput:

val promptWithGreeting: Console[String] =
    .print("What's your username? ")
    .transformOutput { username => s"Hello, $username!" }

Ok we’re getting there, all that’s left to do now is to print the greeting message to stdout. And here we stumble onto an interesting problem.


The program we need to write has to print something we’ve previously read (and transformed). In slightly more general terms, it needs to use the output of our promptWithGreeting program to build another program, the program that prints that output.

In execution as evaluation, this idea is expressed by actually running an action and naming its result:

val line: String =

but as usual, we want to compose programs instead.

What we need is a change in perspective: whenever we need the output of a program p1: Console[A] to build another program p2: Console[B], that means that p2 depends on the output of p1.

We’ve seen that the output of a Console[A] program is represented by its output type parameter A, and the idea that Y depends on X is expressed by a function X => Y, so the concept that p2: Console[B] depends on the output of p1: Console[A] can be written as A => Console[B].

And therein lies our problem, the only combinator that can connect two Console programs is andThen, and we can see from its type that there is no dependency between the two programs it takes as input:

// andThen[A, B]: (Console[A], Console[B]) => Console[B]

sealed trait Console[A] {
  def andThen[B](next: Console[B]): Console[B]

Let’s instead introduce a new chain combinator which takes dependency into account. It will take a Console[A] program, and a function that uses the output of that program to decide what the next program should be:

// chain[A, B]: (Console[A], A => Console[B]) => Console[B]

sealed trait Console[A] {
  def chain[B](next: A => Console[B]): Console[B]

Equipped with chain, we can now easily print something we’ve read:

val echo: Console[Unit] =
  Console.readLine.chain { line =>

// Same, but with explicit annotations for every type:
val echo: Console[Unit] =
  // chain: (Console[String], String => Console[Unit]) => Console[Unit]
  (Console.readLine: Console[String]).chain {
       (line: String) =>
          Console.print(line): Console[Unit]
     ): String => Console[Unit]
  }: Console[Unit]

and indeed express our target program:

val promptAndGreet: Console[Unit] =
    .print("What's your username? ")
    .chain { _ => Console.readLine }
    .transformOutput { username => s"Hello, $username!" }
    .chain { greeting => Console.print(greeting) }

Note that in promptAndGreet we’ve replaced print.andThen(readLine) with print.chain(_ => readLine), i.e. a special case of chain where the shape of the next program doesn’t depend on the output of the previous one, and can ignore it.

The ability to depend on the output of another computation has clearly gained us some power, but just how much power exactly? As it turns out, a huge amount: next: A => Console[B] can use A in arbitrary ways to decide what the next computation should be. In nameAndGreet we simply passed it through, but next could include if/else expressions, recursion, pattern matching, and so on. In other words, chain allows general control flow.

Emitting outputs

Here’s how our sample program looks like so far, with some minimal refactoring:

val namePrompt: Console[String] =
    .print("What's your username? ")
    .chain { _ => Console.readLine }

val promptAndGreet: Console[Unit] =
    .transformOutput { username => s"Hello, $username!" }
    .chain { greeting => Console.print(greeting) }

The only piece left is asking for a username again if the user inserts an empty one. We could go and modify namePrompt accordingly, but when you think about it there isn’t much about this logic that is actually specific to namePrompt: we simply want to repeat a p: Console[String] until its output is non empty.

We’re in programs as values, so programs that manipulate other programs are our bread and butter:

def repeatOnEmpty(p: Console[String]): Console[String] = ???

So how do we implement repeatOnEmpty? We need to use the string outputted by p to make a decision based on whether it’s empty or not, which is to say we need chain:

def repeatOnEmpty(p: Console[String]): Console[String] =
  p.chain { str =>
    if (str.isEmpty) ???
    else ???

if the string is indeed empty, we simply repeat the whole process using recursion:

def repeatOnEmpty(p: Console[String]): Console[String] =
  p.chain { str =>
    if (str.isEmpty) repeatOnEmpty(p)
    else ???

and if it’s non empty, that’s the output of our Console program:

def repeatOnEmpty(p: Console[String]): Console[String] =
  p.chain { str =>
    if (str.isEmpty) repeatOnEmpty(p)
    else str

type mismatch;
[error]  found   : String
[error]  required: Console[String]
[error]       else str
[error]            ^

Oh, another compile error… both branches of an if/else need to have the same type, whereas in our case the if branch has type Console[String], and the else branch has type String.

On second thought, it doesn’t make sense for repeatOnEmpty to return a String: repeatOnEmpty needs to return a program, i.e. an instance of a datatype that represents commands that will eventually be executed, and a String is not the same thing as a command to emit one. This means that our Console algebra is missing an introduction form, the ability to emit an output:

// emitOutput[A]: A => Console[A]

object Console {
  def emitOutput[A](a: A): Console[A]

and there we have it:

def repeatOnEmpty(p: Console[String]): Console[String] =
  p.chain { str =>
    if (str.isEmpty) repeatOnEmpty(p)
    else Console.emitOutput(str)

The final program

Here’s what the final version of Console looks like:

 * carrier:
 *   Console[A]
 *     where A represents the output of a Console program
 * introduction forms:
 *   readLine: Console[String]
 *   print: String => Console[Unit]
 *   emitOutput[A]: A => Console[A]
 * combinators:
 *   chain[A, B]: (Console[A], A => Console[B]) => Console[B]
 *   transformOutput[A, B]: (Console[A], A => B) => Console[B]
 * elimination forms:
 *   run[A]: Console[A] => IO[A]
 sealed trait Console[A] {
   def chain[B](next: A => Console[B]): Console[B]
   def transformOutput[B](transform: A => B): Console[B]

   def run: IO[A]
 object Console {
   val readLine: Console[String]
   def print(s: String): Console[Unit]
   def emitOutput[A](out: A): Console[A]

and here’s our final program:

def repeatOnEmpty(p: Console[String]): Console[String] =
  p.chain { str =>
    if (str.isEmpty) repeatOnEmpty(p)
    else Console.emitOutput(str)

val namePrompt: Console[String] =
    .print("What's your username? ")
    .chain { _ => Console.readLine }

val promptAndGreet: Console[Unit] =
    .transformOutput { username => s"Hello, $username!" }
    .chain { greeting => Console.print(greeting) }

Note on conciseness

You might be thinking that our program above is rather verbose compared to just:

 def p: Unit = {
   var user: String = ""
   while (user.isEmpty) {
     println("What's your username?")
     user =
   println(s"Hello, $user!")

but remember that I’m really spelling things out in the examples. Here’s how it looks like in real code, using cats.effect.IO and combinators defined in the cats library:

  val p: IO[Unit] =
    (IO.println("What's your name?") >> IO.readLine)
      .flatMap { user => IO.println(s"Hello, $user!") }


In this article we saw the essential concept of chaining: creating programs that can depend on the output of a previous program. Chaining represents a big leap in the expressiveness of our algebras, as we are now able to express arbitrary sequential control flow.

Next time we will explore some of properties of chain and emitOutput, as well as introducing the real names used in cats and cats-effect, as we make our way towards writing real code in programs as values.

Appendix: implementation

This series puts a big stress on algebraic thinking: reasoning on programs as values datatypes using the operations defined on them rather than their internal structure. This is a powerful approach because it scales from simple datatypes like Option, to datatypes like IO whose internal structure and implementation is extremely advanced.

However, there is a risk that you might think that “command” datatypes like Console are utterly magical, so I’m going to make an exception and show you an implementation for it:

sealed trait Console[A] {
  def chain[B](next: A => Console[B]): Console[B] =
    Console.Chain(this, next)

  def transformOutput[B](transform: A => B): Console[B] =
    // curious about this? We'll talk about it next time!
    chain { output =>

  def run: IO[A] =
object Console {
  def readLine: Console[String] =

  def print(s: String): Console[Unit] =

  def emitOutput[A](a: A): Console[A] =

  case object ReadLine extends Console[String]
  case class Print(s: String) extends Console[Unit]
  case class EmitOutput[A](a: A) extends Console[A]
  case class Chain[AA, A](fa: Console[AA], f: AA => Console[A])
      extends Console[A]

  def translateToIO[A](c: Console[A]): IO[A] = c match {
    case Console.ReadLine => IO.readLine
    case Console.Print(s) => IO.println(s)
    case Console.EmitOutput(a) => IO.pure(a)
    case Console.Chain(fa, f) =>
      translateToIO(fa).flatMap { x => translateToIO(f(x)) }

As you can see, we really do mean programs are values: Console is literally a datatype, which then gets translated to IO, which is another datatype. All the execution happens in the layer that interprets IO into actual side effects when the JVM calls main, as we will see once our series gets to discussing IO.