Programs as Values, Part VII: Exploring Chaining

Last time we introduced the key concept of chaining: creating programs that can depend on the output of other programs, and can therefore encode arbitrary sequential control flow. In this shorter follow-up we will explore some of the properties of chaining that are relevant when writing real code.

A rose by any other name

Our main focus has been on three functions: emitOutput, transformOutput, and chain. Perhaps unsurprisingly given some of the IO snippets I’ve shown during these series, we can now reveal those aren’t the real names used in cats and cats-effect. Enter pure, map, and flatMap:

emitOutput[A]: A => Console[A]
      pure[A]: A => Console[A]
transformOutput[A, B]: (Console[A], A => B) => Console[B]
            map[A, B]: (Console[A], A => B) => Console[B]
  chain[A, B]: (Console[A], A => Console[B]) => Console[B]
flatMap[A, B]: (Console[A], A => Console[B]) => Console[B]

The rationale behind these names is not that important, what matters is their type and the intent of the programs they return: emitting an output (pure), transforming the output of another program (map), and using the output of a program to determine what the next program should be (flatMap).

Here’s Console with the standard names in place:

 * carrier:
 *   Console[A]
 *     where A represents the output of a Console program
 * introduction forms:
 *   readLine: Console[String]
 *   print: String => Console[Unit]
 *   pure[A]: A => Console[A]
 * combinators:
 *   flatMap[A, B]: (Console[A], A => Console[B]) => Console[B]
 *   map[A, B]: (Console[A], A => B) => Console[B]
 * elimination forms:
 *   run[A]: Console[A] => IO[A]
 sealed trait Console[A] {
   def flatMap[B](next: A => Console[B]): Console[B]
   def map[B](transform: A => B): Console[B]

   def run: IO[A]
 object Console {
   val readLine: Console[String]
   def print(s: String): Console[Unit]
   def pure[A](out: A): Console[A]

and here’s our sample program that greets any user that has a non-empty username:

def repeatOnEmpty(p: Console[String]): Console[String] =
  p.flatMap { str =>
    if (str.isEmpty) repeatOnEmpty(p)
    else Console.pure(str)

val namePrompt: Console[String] =
    .print("What's your username? ")
    .flatMap { _ => Console.readLine }

val promptAndGreet: Console[Unit] =
    .map { username => s"Hello, $username!" }
    .flatMap { greeting => Console.print(greeting) }

For the rest of the series we will use the same names cats uses, so that knowledge can be transferred immediately.

map vs flatMap

You might have noticed that there is some similarity between the types of map and flatMap:

// map[A, B]:     (Console[A], A =>         B ) => Console[B]
// flatMap[A, B]: (Console[A], A => Console[B]) => Console[B]

trait Console[A] {
  def map[B](transform: A => B): Console[B]
  def flatMap[B](next: A => Console[B]): Console[B]

They both take functions that process the output of a previous computation, but flatMap uses it to determine the next computation as per the shape A => Console[B], whereas map just transforms it into another value as per the shape A => B.

Well, but we said that programs are values, so can we not pass a function that returns a program to map? Let’s see what happens by experimenting with a very simple echo program that reads a line and prints it back, then terminates:

val echo: Console[Unit] =
    .flatMap { line => Console.print(line) }

and let’s replace flatMap with map:

val echo2: Console[Console[Unit]] =
    .map { line => Console.print(line) }[B] expects a String => B and returns a Console[B], and we’re passing a String => Console[Unit] to it, which means that B = Console[Unit], and that the result will have type Console[Console[Unit]]. However when echo2 runs (via run and IOApp) it will read a line from stdin, and then terminate without printing anything to stdout.

This behaviour happens because Console[Console[Unit]] is not a chained program, but a program that returns another program as an output. The fact that this output also happens to be of type Console doesn’t change anything, .map treats it like any other output.

Therefore we need to chain explicitly via flatMap for it to run:

val echo2: Console[Console[Unit]] =
    .map { line => Console.print(line) }

val echo: Console[Unit] =
  echo2.flatMap { nextProgram => nextProgram }

Similarly, the following program will only print “world!”, because the first Console.print is also not chained via flatMap(_ => ):

val prog: Console[Unit] = {
  Console.print("Hello ")

In practice, using map instead of flatMap or skipping flatMap altogether are common sources of errors, look out for them whenever your programs aren’t executing something you think they should execute.


Most material about laws is either of theoretical nature, or it talks about laws as contracts to respect when implementing algebras, but there’s very little talk about them from the user’s perspective. I want to share a practical view of laws as refactoring rules , where the equivalence symbol p1 <-> p2 can be read as p1 can be refactored into p2 and vice versa.

We’ve already seen a couple when discussing transforming outputs:

// 1. Transforming with a no-op is the same as not transforming { x => x } <-> p
// 2. We can fuse two transformations into one <->

// Refactoring example for 1. and 2.
  .map { input => input.toUppercase }
  .map { str => str.length }
  .map { result => result }
         <-> { input => input.toUppercase.length }

And we’ll follow a similar format for the additional laws of chaining: providing a description in English, an equivalence with <->, and an example of refactoring.

The first set of laws are variations of the same idea: if your chaining revolves exclusively around emitting an output, you don’t actually need to chain.

// 3. Chaining to emit a transformed result is the same as transforming
p.flatMap { x => pure(f(x)) } <-> { x => f(x) }
// 4. Chaining only to emit is a no-op. Follows from 3. and 1.
p.flatMap { x => pure(x) } <-> p
// 5. Emitting before chaining with a function is just a call to the function
pure(a).flatMap { x => f(x) } <-> f(a)

// Refactoring example for 3.
  .flatMap { line => Console.pure(line.length) }
  .map { line => line.length }

// Refactoring example for 4.
Console.readLine.flatMap { line => Console.pure(line) }

// Refactoring example for 5.
  .flatMap { word => Console.print(word) }

The final law deals with nesting:

// 6. Sequences of dependencies can be nested or unnested
p.flatMap { x =>
  f(x).flatMap { y =>
 .flatMap { x => f(x) }
 .flatMap { y => g(y) }

// Refactoring example for 6.
def prompt(s: String): Console[String] =
  Console.print(s).flatMap { _ => Console.readLine }

prompt("What's your name?").flatMap { name =>
  prompt(s"Hello $name, what's your favourite food?").flatMap { food =>
    prompt(s"I like $food too! And where are you from?")
prompt("What's your name?")
  .flatMap { name => prompt(s"Hello $name, what's your favourite food?") }
  .flatMap { food => prompt(s"I like $food too! And where are you from?") }

It can appear a bit puzzling, but it’s just stating “nothing weird happens when you nest programs”, since it’s the exact equivalent of the following behaviour that we take for granted in execution as evaluation:

def prompt(s: String): String = {

val name: String = prompt("What's your name?")
val food: String = prompt(s"Hello $name, what's your favourite food?")
prompt(s"I like $food too! And where are you from?")
val food: String = {
  val name: String = prompt("What's your name")
  prompt(s"Hello $name, what's your favourite food?")
prompt(s"I like $food too! And where are you from?")

Let’s conclude with an example of using laws to refactor one of our greeting programs:

  .map { username => s"Hello, $username!" }
  .flatMap { greeting => Console.print(greeting) }
// law 3: transform `map` into `flatMap`
  .flatMap { username => Console.pure(s"Hello, $username!") }
  .flatMap { greeting => Console.print(greeting) }
// law 6: nest
  .flatMap { username =>
     Console.pure(s"Hello, $username!")
       .flatMap { greeting => Console.print(greeting) }
// law 5: eliminate `pure` by applying function directly
  .flatMap { username => Console.print(s"Hello, $username!") }


In this post we introduced the real names of pure, map and flatMap and shown how programs don’t execute without flatMap, before exploring the refactoring rules of chaining. Next time we’ll be looking at enriching our algebras by equipping them with error handling.